St. Petersburg besuchen mit AL.EX Reiseservice

Ein Touristenmagnet ist diese im Nordwesten Russlands gelegene Stadt. Mit seinen barocken und klassizistischen Prachtbauten, den vielen Museen und Theatern, Brücken und Promenaden zählt St. Petersburg zu Recht zu den schönsten Metropolen der Welt. Vier Millionen Gäste kommen jährlich nach St. Petersburg, darunter etwa drei Millionen aus dem Ausland.

Hier finden Sie die passenden St. Petersburg Reisen

Why Multilingual Websites….Top 10 reasons

To get more clients, better Pagerank and backlinks, you maybe find this strategy good:

Business continually sees shifts and changes. At present the multilingual website is still in its early stages, with mostly large multinational companies using them to secure an international foothold. However, the trickle down effect will naturally occur and the multilingual website will become part and parcel of an internet presence. Whether people chose to invest now or later is the only choice they have.

Why Multilingual Websites….Top 10 reasons []

Particularly remarkable function in an Intranet?

The daily menus of the cafeteria in the company, I would say. Something that interests almost every employee every day. So a good example of the integration of the staff in the creation process of the Intranet are their own personal pages. Here every employee can use the Intranet to post his or own position, skills, interests and – something I find especially important in decentralised companies – a picture of the employee. Because here applies the basic principle, that if employees don’t know each other then they can’t work together. Generally speaking, when the employees join in the common cause it is good for the company. This also applies to major international conglomerates. It gives internal communication a face

Seven questions to Markus Eckartz. []

Tulex – trademark engine for Germany

tulex bietet jedem, der eine Internet-Domain, einen Firmen- oder einen Produktnamen nutzen will, einfache und günstige Produkte für den Namensschutz. Die Recherche nach registrierten Marken und die Überlegung, einen Namen als Marke zu schützen, sind essentielle Aufgaben für eine sicherere Namensnutzung. tulex bietet in Kooperation mit der Kanzlei Axel Dreyer Lösungen zur Bewertung Ihrer markenrechtlichen Risiken und zur Eintragung einer eigenen Marke. Unsere Leistungen verbinden die folgenden Aspekte:

Using SMS for better service

With Clickatel you can easily integrate SMS messaging in your software applications and send SMS all around the world. It will be as easy as sending emails. For example: your client should have maintance work for his device. With SMS message he will be informed as his device is ready and could be taken away.

More possibilities and case studies for using SMS for your business you can find at clickatel website

Educate your company with blogs

Easy to implement. To collect and put into an intranet blog important informations about company culture, interesting articles about working environment etc. It is always easier to refer to well known informations than to explain every time the same. Now the hack. As you have enough informations you put the publishing in the loop (it means publish the oldest one as the newest one).

 It works without you!  But be careful it is better make review of the articles and adjust them to the current situation or drop them.

Blog to push projects and make them transparent

With you can always have the answer to the question “What are you doing?” about your friends. This track works with SMS, email, chat etc.

For business this tool or something like this means: Everybody should send their progress on the project to the blog. It means everybody and especially management have transparency. All project members should be also motivated with this to work for results.